GRoW under the spotlight on WKBW AM Buffalo show

Linda Pellegrino, host of WKBW’s AM Buffalo show, invited the GRoW team onto her show on Wednesday morning to talk about the GRoW Home’s journey to the up and coming Solar Decathlon.

The show began with plenty of enthusiasm from Pellegrino’s inspiring introduction of the GRoW Home.

“Imagine a house that’s a power plant and vegetable farm all rolled into one self-sustaining structure,” said Pellegrino. “Well, UB students and faculty had made this dream come true with their GRoW Home.”

Members of the GRoW team present were Kenneth Mackay, a Clinical Associate Professor, Christopher Osterhoudt, Project Manager, and Joseph Tuberdyck, Co-construction Manager.

If you are wondering what interesting insights Pellegrino and the GRoW team members had to say about our solar home, do click on the video above now.

Malay version: